Go Netlink and Select


Go is a wonderful programming language, nestled comfortably in between low-level languages like C or Rust, and higher level languages like Python or Ruby. The convenience one gains by doing systems programming in Go, thanks to perks like syntactic simplicity and first-class concurrency, is offset by repetitive error handling, lack of direct memory access, and a few glaring omissions from the standard library (generics and binary literals come to mind.)

This article will describe one challenge I encountered when writing the network resource for mgmt, a tool for next generation distributed, event-driven, parallel config management. The network resource is tasked with applying the prescribed network configuration, monitoring the defined device, and correcting its state if it diverges from the configuration. In simpler terms, it sets up a network device and makes sure it stays set up exactly how you want.

Unfortunately Go’s net library is only useful when it comes to checking the network state, and lacks the ability to apply changes to an interface, so it was necessary to venture outside the comfort of the standard library and employ a more powerful solution. Enter Netlink.

There are several libraries available to interface with kernel netlink sockets at various levels of abstraction, but none of them are without problems. For example, vishvananda/netlink has a “subscribe” function, which is supposed to subscribe to events on a netlink socket. Unfortunately the package fails to clean up spawned goroutines and their api design leads to a race, where data and errors may not be serialized in the correct order. Another package, mdlayher/netlink, gets one step closer to a correct implementation but the conn.Receive() method will block indefinitely until a message arrives on the socket. Given these shortcomings, it was necessary to roll my own netlink socket listener. I was however, able to use some helper functions from vishvananda/netlink when it came time to apply changes to the interface.

Enter unix.Select(). Systems programmers should already be familiar with select(2), but for those that aren’t, here’s a quote from the man page:

select() and pselect() allow a program to monitor multiple file
descriptors, waiting until one or more of the file descriptors become
"ready" for some class of I/O operation (e.g., input possible).  A
file descriptor is considered ready if it is possible to perform a
corresponding I/O operation (e.g., read(2) without blocking, or a
sufficiently small write(2)).

On linux, everything is a file, and that includes sockets (netlink or otherwise.) So, we can use select to watch the socket, and return when an event occurs. Simple enough. In fact, this is exactly what mdlayher/netlink does. The problem is that when you want to exit, the select will block indefinitely. On some systems, select will return when the file descriptor is destroyed, but that is undefined behavior, and doesn’t happen on many linux systems.

The solution is the Unix Pipe pattern, where we employ a second file descriptor to signal select when it’s time to close. The pipe in this case, is an ordinary Unix socket, stored in the temp filesystem. With both file descriptors in place, we can call select, using golang.org/x/sys/unix’s Select() function, and pass it a set containing file descriptors for both netlink and pipe sockets. Then, to unblock select when we want to shut down, all we have to do is close the netlink socket, and then send an empty message to the pipe socket. This will cause select to return and our program can exit cleanly. Here’s what that looks like:

// shutdown closes the event file descriptor and unblocks receive by sending
// a message to the pipe file descriptor. It must be called before close, and
// should only be called once.
func (obj *socketSet) shutdown() error {
	// close the event socket so no more events are produced
	if err := unix.Close(obj.fdEvents); err != nil {
		return err
	// send a message to the pipe to unblock select
	return unix.Sendto(obj.fdPipe, nil, 0, &unix.SockaddrUnix{
		Name: path.Join(obj.pipeFile),

// close closes the pipe file descriptor. It must only be called after
// shutdown has closed fdEvents, and unblocked receive. It should only be
// called once.
func (obj *socketSet) close() error {
	return unix.Close(obj.fdPipe)

// receive waits for bytes from fdEvents and parses them into a slice of
// netlink messages. It will block until an event is produced, or shutdown
// is called.
func (obj *socketSet) receive() ([]syscall.NetlinkMessage, error) {
	// Select will return when any fd in fdSet (fdEvents and fdPipe) is ready
	// to read.
	_, err := unix.Select(obj.nfd(), obj.fdSet(), nil, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		// if a system interrupt is caught
		if err == unix.EINTR { // signal interrupt
			return nil, nil
		return nil, errwrap.Wrapf(err, "error selecting on fd")
	// receive the message from the netlink socket into b
	b := make([]byte, os.Getpagesize())
	n, _, err := unix.Recvfrom(obj.fdEvents, b, unix.MSG_DONTWAIT) // non-blocking receive
	if err != nil {
		// if fdEvents is closed
		if err == unix.EBADF { // bad file descriptor
			return nil, nil
		return nil, errwrap.Wrapf(err, "error receiving messages")
	// if we didn't get enough bytes for a header, something went wrong
	if n < unix.NLMSG_HDRLEN {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("received short header")
	b = b[:n] // truncate b to message length
	// use syscall to parse, as func does not exist in x/sys/unix
	return syscall.ParseNetlinkMessage(b)

If you are interested in the details of my implementation, check out the source for context and if you have any questions, hit me up in the comments below, or ping me on twitter @JonWritesCode

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